Data Hacker: Reboot project

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Data Hacker: Reboot project

Postby Vryl » Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:49 am

I hadn't heard of this series before seeing the Kickstarter, but Reboot is the third game in it - 5 pounds will get you that, a little puzzle game and, if the total reaches 6,400 pounds (it's at 5,367 as I type this), the fourth game as well. 15 pounds will get the first two games as well, including a revamp to bring them more in line with the quality of the third game... each reward coming when it is finished, of course. It seems like a pretty good value for money, if you like RPGs that is. ... t-relaunch

*EDIT* Someone backed out on it with a pretty major pledge, so this is down to a little over 4,000 pounds now. Sorry for poking the chat with it - I thought that it was a good chance for people to get two or three decent games for a minimal investment.
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