Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby shockedder » Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:55 am

I'll be talking here about my frantic life as a tomb tyrant, and the quirks/kinks of the Tomb(tm) Standard Anti-Hero Dwelling for tyrants.
I'm also going to mention some ideas for new tomb accessories, perchance the tomb builder is around listens to some customer requests :)

I would also love to hear from other (possibly even crazier) tyrants : What do you like ? What neat tricks have you discovered ? What combinations are successful for you ?

What I like :
-the indoor sound system : really neat how the music tempo speeds up / slows down depending on the danger

-the new ritual objectives : a good way to boost those max caps for the resources, which were quite a bother for the higher tier buildings

What I no like
-To reset the content of the Tyrant's Hoard, you need to close/restart the game (or the longer way, to lose): there should be an easier way to do this, at the beginning

-The prophecies: once discovered (but not unlocked) should be listed in the codex with their prerequisites ( otherwise it is very annoying to track down which floor
deployment/condition has triggered the prophecy, me being a forgetful tyrant and all)

-The floor (minion rule): it seems the minions only take this into account for the trap floors ? I've been trying to interdict them to use the topmost accessible floor of
the tomb to no avail.

What I'd like to see

-More trap levels.

-A fully submerged tomb floor with piranhas ( or some other aquatic lifeform: octopus/clam/crab or combination of thereof) as a trap level
Heroes would have to clear the level in a time, all the while taking damage from the lack of oxygen (slow), and any of the damage/poison/slow from the lifeforms
roaming the floor

-A floor of minions that can build?breed other minions; trickle-using resources gathered from the hoard to create another minion/construct : if the floor is reached by heroes,
work on the "creation" part is stopped and they have to defend (if the floor is emptied of minions, all the work on the creation is lost, and must be restarted from scratch)

-A crystalline cave level of sentient crystal traps : they can imprison for a while (and maybe very slowly damage) incoming heroes, stalling them for a while to give a stressed out
tyrant time to regroup (if minions reach this floor when heroes are trapped in crystal, they have a variable chance of : shattering the crystal and killing the hero within,
just breaking the crystal and engage in combat with the hero(es), having no effect on the crystal whatsoever or even angering the crystal creatures and getting trapped themselves)

--signing out for now
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby Jake » Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:52 am

shockedder wrote:-To reset the content of the Tyrant's Hoard, you need to close/restart the game (or the longer way, to lose): there should be an easier way to do this, at the beginning

I do need a restart button; I suppose the fastest way would be to bomb your own Tyrant, but the bombs are kind of rare right now. Default hoards are now more likely to have matches on their own, so at least you shouldn't be hitting bad spots so often, and I'll be adding an item to shuffle the hoard, too. Neither of those things address the core problem of not being able to just restart when you want to, though, so I'll probably add a restart button to the menu--I just gotta come up with a good evil verb that means "restart."

shockedder wrote:-The prophecies: once discovered (but not unlocked) should be listed in the codex with their prerequisites ( otherwise it is very annoying to track down which floor
deployment/condition has triggered the prophecy, me being a forgetful tyrant and all)

I am rewriting all of the internal supports for prophecies right now, so maybe I can work this in.

shockedder wrote:-The floor (minion rule): it seems the minions only take this into account for the trap floors ? I've been trying to interdict them to use the topmost accessible floor of
the tomb to no avail.

Here are what these rules should accomplish (something like this will eventually go in a Codex page):
-Guard: Minions should ensure that at least four minions (a full party) remain on this floor at all times. Minions will continue to patrol this floor, and when they do, they may stay and relieve other minions that were stationed here.
-Patrol: Most minions naturally patrol the dungeon floor-by-floor, and this floor will be a part of their route.
-Restricted: Minions will not patrol this floor, but may visit it, if they can stop heroes here.
-Off-limits: Minions should never visit this floor.

Minions consider these rules when they are trying to decide which floor to visit next, so it is possible to change a rule and not see an immediate change in behavior. Now, are you seeing particular rules being broken?

shockedder wrote:-More trap levels.


shockedder wrote:-A fully submerged tomb floor with piranhas ( or some other aquatic lifeform: octopus/clam/crab or combination of thereof) as a trap level...

We've had some talk of this sort of thing, but there are a lot of wrinkles to it--both visual and mechanical--that put it kind of far down the list. I'd like to do some underwater stuff, just for fun, but it's out there.

shockedder wrote:-A floor of minions that can build?breed other minions; trickle-using resources gathered from the hoard to create another minion/construct...

This is also an interesting idea, but likewise a little out there for right now; it's still something to keep in mind, though, as the principle may apply well to some of the floors that are coming up.

shockedder wrote:-A crystalline cave level of sentient crystal traps...

Also a fun idea. I have been shying away from random chance in the combat, but I'm sure we could come up with a deterministic way to handle the "chance" here. One problem with this floor is that I was planning to use "Crystalline Cavern" later this week for something very different :P.
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby ThirdAnguis » Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:25 pm

Jake wrote:
shockedder wrote:-The prophecies: once discovered (but not unlocked) should be listed in the codex with their prerequisites ( otherwise it is very annoying to track down which floor
deployment/condition has triggered the prophecy, me being a forgetful tyrant and all)

I am rewriting all of the internal supports for prophecies right now, so maybe I can work this in.

I'd suggested that in a thread in the alpha forum and you said the Steam version had it as of January 15, but I never saw it in there. :/
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby Jake » Thu Jan 22, 2015 5:33 pm

ThirdAnguis wrote:I'd suggested that in a thread in the alpha forum and you said the Steam version had it as of January 15, but I never saw it in there. :/

The Steam build has had prophecy pages for a week or so, but previously, I could not efficiently display prerequisites or any prophecy that was inactive, due to the way they were stored, so the pages only displayed goals for currently active prophecies.

The build that is on Steam now should actually display all discovered prophecies with a more information (although the prereqs are only displayed for prophecies that you have discovered, but which are incomplete and not currently active--so that you can activate them by meeting the prereqs).
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby shockedder » Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:59 pm

I keep thinking that there should be some kind of hint system for prophecies if there are more to be discovered and no prophecy was discovered for several games.
I'm hunting for prophecies right now, and it's getting tedious. :(
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby Jake » Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:36 pm

shockedder wrote:I keep thinking that there should be some kind of hint system for prophecies if there are more to be discovered and no prophecy was discovered for several games.
I'm hunting for prophecies right now, and it's getting tedious. :(

This is on my to-do list. If the player doesn't have any unfinished, discovered prophecies, I'll throw them a hint. I think I want to set the hint up as an objective, though, with some minor reward for finding the new prophecy; I have other plans for bonus objectives like this, so I was hoping to wait until that system is in place and then add these hints to the mix.
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby shockedder » Tue Feb 10, 2015 4:12 pm

So I've been fiddling around with the new version of the Tomb(tm).
Here is what I'm thinking :

-Kind of conflicted on the second hoard view... on one hand it's useful once you get too many tomb levels, on the other hand it feels really weird/unnatural placement :
for now playing with it *off*

-Floor Ui : this feels really cumbersome now, and it takes up a lot of useful screen space (maybe it's more useful for mobile ?) however it has a nice sliding animation:
playing with the old UI right now which feels much better adapted to the Tomb(tm) feel --> a 50% increase in the icon of the old UI would be nice (and more descriptive) if possible, otherwise it feels great

-Scrap color feels a bit washed out in the new version, is this by design ? (it looked much better in the old version, imho)

-Absolutely love the fact that you can toggle the UI elements (hope this will remain in the final version, it's really useful)

-The whitish icons for accessing the Knowledge Tome feel really out of place : I'm thinking they could be replaced with a tabbed scroll/parchment ( the scroll a light brown, and the tabs their actual color from the tome)

-Had a strange occurrence of a floor not generating it's creatures at one time; will keep a lookout if it reappears

-Had several (happened in the old version too) instances when I was overrun by Heroes and lots of minions were not engaged in combat :
I'm thinking some sort of converge on a floor state/mechanic would be nice, that once triggered the free minions would go directly to that floor to render aid)

-One more idea regarding the Tomb tyrant : for now he's pacing endlessly on his floor : there's an opportunity here to assign him something to do, some high impact spell that would
nuke a floor for example or block the elevators or something equally as cool if he's able to work uninterrupted (it might even have a slow ongoing drain on the resources effect)

Cheers :)
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Re: Journal of a crazed tomb tyrant

Postby Jake » Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:20 pm

shockedder wrote:-Kind of conflicted on the second hoard view... on one hand it's useful once you get too many tomb levels, on the other hand it feels really weird/unnatural placement :
for now playing with it *off*

I know some people won't like this; it definitely feels strange to have a UI element that is just a clone of a part of the map, and that's the reason I didn't add it sooner. However, it has been one of the most requested features, and it does make the dungeon more manageable.

shockedder wrote:-Floor Ui : this feels really cumbersome now, and it takes up a lot of useful screen space (maybe it's more useful for mobile ?)

I don't know what you mean by it taking up a lot of useful screen space, as it exclusively occupies space that was previously untapped. I definitely think some improvement could be had here, but it is a huge win from a screen real-estate perspective, which will be especially important on mobile, as you point out.

shockedder wrote:-Scrap color feels a bit washed out in the new version, is this by design ? (it looked much better in the old version, imho)

All tiles/items were moved over to a color-swapping system recently, so I no longer directly set each color on their palettes. Instead, I define a primary color, a highlight color, and possibly a secondary color, and the game recolors all of my tiles on the fly. It is not possible for me to completely replicate the old looks, but I tried to get fairly close; I will probably do some more tweaking when I get to the reason for this change: color-blindness support. I am intending to give players total control over the eight resource colors.

shockedder wrote:-Absolutely love the fact that you can toggle the UI elements (hope this will remain in the final version, it's really useful)

I will try to keep this in, but there may yet be some incoming stuff that further complicates it. I am glad to know someone out there is taking advantage of it, though :).

shockedder wrote:-The whitish icons for accessing the Knowledge Tome feel really out of place

I'm sticking with the simple icons for now, because the old approach (with the Codex's actual bookmarks) doesn't make as much sense on the right side of the screen, and things may yet be rearranged again, so committing to new art assets can wait. Maybe I could color the icons though.

shockedder wrote:-Had several (happened in the old version too) instances when I was overrun by Heroes and lots of minions were not engaged in combat

Patrol behavior will probably remain as-is, because a) it's predictable, and b) I like the thought of these standard minions just blindly following their basic floor-by-floor instructions. However, I want to introduce some controls for placing or directing champions yourself, so you may be able to use that to diminish this concern.

shockedder wrote:-One more idea regarding the Tomb tyrant : for now he's pacing endlessly on his floor : there's an opportunity here to assign him something to do

This could also be a good way to use up some unused resources :). I'll think on it. Thanks!
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