I was planning a Freezer floor as an extension of the Abattoir, as a meat freezer that expands flesh capacity. That may not be suited to snowmen or penguins, unless they are demonic (animated snowmen sound like they may be better justified as "constructs" or "golems" from either the Workshop or Study--they would be a fun addition, though
. Regardless, this could still be the result of one of these "flavor floors."
Now I am thinking about not limiting the number of these artifacts in play, and instead relying on the idea that holding them is a trade-off: do you want a greater array of floors or a greater arsenal of items? In order to really balance this trade-off, though, I think we will limit the frequency with which these floors can be built, and this is how I think I'd like to do that in a straightforward, reasonable manner:
I will add depth milestones. I was already planning to have different layers to the surrounding dirt as you go deeper, as a visual cue for how far you've progressed in the game, but what if I mark each transition with glowing "milestones" that unlock (and light up) when your dungeon passes them (that is, when the Sanctum reaches that level). We'll display the number of milestones you've unlocked on the HUD, and some floors, like these "Flavor Floors" or the "Rest Stops" we've discussed elsewhere, will cost a milestone to build. I think this system will keep these floor limitations much clearer than, "Oh, you can only build some of these every five floors or so," and make it easier to track how close you are to unlocking another one. This is something that deserves its own thread, if anyone would like to debate its merits in-depth
If we allow more than one of these floors, then I'm not sure we need to worry quite so much about leveraging each Flavor Floor to offer multiple paths, but you're right that it makes sense to present floors that offer the greatest potential for variety. I think I prefer "Desolate Desert"; "Desolate Dunes" is definitely more flexible, but we may also end up with a general "water path" that has the seaside aspect covered. The Freezer, however, seems like an example of something that's too specific to be a core flavor floor; we are going to want things that are general and open-ended, and "Dreary Drifts" may fit the bill--but other suggestions are certainly welcome
Any idea for alternative terms for "Flavor Floor," in case I need to use the term in-game? I'm thinking maybe I come up with a term for the specific artifacts that allow them ("relics," "fragments," "essences," "monuments"?) and basing the term for the floors upon that. I know at one point I was considering different temple-style hub floors for each element, and this concept can replace that with broader floors that are more flexible than just temples (and allow for temples as combinations with other things).