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Item Idea - Scrambler tile

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:01 pm
by Sol_Protege
This is a simple concept I had for an item in the game, that's also a staple in most tile-matching puzzle games. The Scrambler item.

Symbol ideas:
Red and Blue intertwined directional arrows
Maybe a broken wand?

Board Effect:
Randomized all tiles (colors) on board

Floor Effect:
Randomizes the health (%) of all units (minion and heroes) on the floor.

Really useful item in puzzle games, helps keep the game fresh and the pace flowing when you get stuck and can't seem to find any matches. You can use it on the board to reset it, or maybe on a floor to change the tide of the losing battle. In both circumstances the item could make the game more difficult if you still can't find any matches even after using it on the board, or the heroes end up gaining the health of powerful champion-level minions so make sure you use it wisely. What do you guys think?

Re: Item Idea - Scrambler tile

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:06 pm
by Jake
[I've created a new section for ideas like this which are not actually being backed, and then moved this into it. The original intent of the Concepts section was for backer designs, but I don't want to kill other ideas just because they aren't paid for =). I've added some rules to help make this clear.]

You're right that this power is a solid staple of matching games, so we should probably find a place for something similar here. I am not sure about the health scrambling; it would be cool to give the item some alternative power like that, but I think mixing up the health levels may be a bit unclear, and maybe not quite consistent with its effect on the puzzle. Perhaps it could teleport characters into a different arrangement, so it could scramble the turn order of an encounter? Or maybe it can teleport all of the characters in a room up or down one floor? These options could also make things better or worse.

Re: Item Idea - Scrambler tile

PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 6:32 pm
by Sol_Protege
:shock: Whoops! I forgot to mention I wasn't a Artificer level pledge and that this is a completely open concept anyone can use/modify to their benefit, I'm just giving ideas out lol.

That said I didn't really flesh out the dungeon effect, I was trying to think of a way a player would want to use it on the floors (instead of exclusively for the board) without messing up the balance. I really like the idea of teleporting the units up or down a level, maybe it could be a trap tile?