Codex Tips

Codex Tips

Postby Jake » Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:58 am

As I continue to prepare for beta, I feel as though I should fill out the rest of the codex tips for all characters, items, traps, and floors. I'd really like to come up with something either witty or useful (or both :)) for all of the game's content, but right now, there are only a few of these tips that I actually really like, and most of them are just random things I wrote down while adding the stuff. I'm going to make a pass over all of the content in the next couple of days where I'll try to produce something decent for each tip, but I thought I'd see if anyone has any clever tip suggestions--for anything at all!

Side note: this week's builds will have a real focus on polishing and filling out what's currently in the game, because I am planning to present beta builds to Humble and Desura for potential launches on those digital platforms. After that milestone, I will finally get back to adding new content.
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Re: Codex Tips

Postby ThirdAnguis » Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:44 pm

Archer: "These heroes are smart. They've realized best position to be in is with lots of fodder between them and their enemies."
Barbarian: "Who needs armor when your skull is thicker than any shield?"
Barbarianess: "The '-ess' makes her seem more dainty while she's cracking your minions' skulls."
Conflagrator: "Surely nothing can go awry giving a soulless automaton a flamethower."
Dark Dwarf: "Dark in name only, these dwarves are actually quite happy crafting gear and loot for the hoard."
Goblin: "Like orcs in a convenient travel size."
Goblin Sneak: "His diminutive size helps him get close to heroes and steal their wallets."
Gremlen Welder: "His torch is well suited for both repairing constructs and toasting marshmallows on the go."
Hellhound: "Hell hath no fury like a giant, fire-breathing wolf with a skull for a head."
Human Druid: "There are probably better ways to endear yourself to animals than wearing their skin, but it works."
Kobold: "She likes to tell people she's 1/16 dragon on her mother's side."
Kobold Shaman: "His shamanic rituals and interpretive dances are very inspiring to other kobolds. To everyone else they're just silly."
Necromancer: "There's nothing inherently evil about raising the dead as your own personal army, but the career options are admittedly limited."
Orc: "He has the sensitive soul of an artist. Luckily his medium of choice is hero blood."
Slime: "Whether this is proof of failure or success on the janitorial staff's part is still under review."
Werewolf: "Under the light of a full moon this feral wolf turns into a mild-mannered human and does your accounting."
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Re: Codex Tips

Postby Jake » Wed Dec 17, 2014 10:54 pm

Thank you, ThirdAnguis. I only used a couple of these directly, but many of them inspired other phrases, so I greatly appreciate it :D. All characters now have appropriate flavor text; I'll be going through floors, traps, and items tomorrow.

After that and a couple of other small changes, I'll be ticking the version over to beta and hopefully sending stuff off to various places (I'll probably post a Kickstarter update about all of this on Friday). If you or anyone else have some additional suggestions for the non-character tips, I'm still listening :)!
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Re: Codex Tips

Postby ThirdAnguis » Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:41 pm

Glad to be of help! I'll see if I can't think of anything else. In the meantime, any that are mine can be credited in the journal as W.L.Frazier, if you're sticking with attaching names to them.
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Re: Codex Tips

Postby Jake » Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:27 am

Well, I've gone ahead and credited you for the ones that are most similar to your suggestions (I don't think any are verbatim; I mostly paraphrased for brevity). I *might* remove your credit on some, if there are sponsors who request them; for example, I think one of our sponsors expressed an interest in the necromancer, so I would want to credit them there, even though it's your quote (they would also have the option of coming up with a quote of their own, but I doubt it will be as good).

Here are the ones I've credited you for and the phrasings I went with:
Barbarian - "Who needs armor with a skull this thick?"
Barbarianess - "The 'ess' is her most feminine quality."
Conflagrator - "A soulless automaton with a flamethrower--what could go wrong?"
Hellhound - "Hell hath no fury like a giant, fire-breathing, skull-headed wolf."
Kobold - "1/16th dragon on their mother's side."
Necromancer - "There's nothing inherently evil about raising the dead, but the applications are limited."
Slime - "The janitorial staff was quick to take credit for this."
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Re: Codex Tips

Postby Vryl » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:24 pm

Knight: Decided to have a knight out of the town for a change. (Alternately, one of the knights who say 'arrow to the knee'.)
Archer: Your arch enemy.

Werewolf: Enjoys pina coladas and tearing lungs out of adventurers.
Imp: An impudent minion, but there's nothing to be done about that.
Skeleton archer: Died with an arrow in his head, and wants to return it.
Satyr: An amateur thespian on his days off. He's good at satires.
Giant spider: Will not answer to "Attercop". (An alternate you can blame my older brother for: still after that old lady that swallowed his aunt.)
Gorgon: Has histrionics (or hissterics) on bad hair days.
Rat: ROUS's really don't exist. This is a quite usual size for a rodent.
Zombie: Not moaning "Brains...." because of a union dispute. But still hungry.
Vampire bat: Regular ones won't attack humans. This is the result of magical blood oranges.
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Re: Codex Tips

Postby Jake » Thu Dec 18, 2014 7:20 pm

I'm afraid I wrapped up all of the other character tips last night, Vryl; and I just finished doing the same for floors, items, and traps. The beta build should be up soon; I'm just making minor passes to see if any small changes jump out at me. I could revisit some tips that I don't like as much later, but for now, I'm satisfied; they really help fill out the codex a bit.

I was planning to add an actual ROUS--a "unique" champion variety that is larger than the giant rat--with the tip text, "I don't think they exist--" :D.
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