by Jake » Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:55 pm
I agree the constant shifting could get pretty messy, but it seemed like an interesting notion to throw out there =).
Regarding triggers, what happens now is that when a character dies, it goes through allied characters to see if they have any triggers, then it goes through enemy characters to check them for triggers, always starting with the front and working back. If one of the triggered abilities eliminates the death state (because they've been resurrected by an ally or raised as a skeleton), then the game stops looking at additional triggers. This way, you can't raise someone and possess them. There isn't currently a position-based element to the triggers, but I can add that, if we want to decrease the frequency of possession (or raising skeletons, in the case of necromancers). In that case, the order of operations above still applies, but triggers will only fire if their owners are in the appropriate slot; this will not function quite the way you outline. If poltergeists have this trigger on the second slot, for instance, then they will only possess someone if the poltergeist is in the second slot when a character is defeated (and only if some other character doesn't take priority due to position). The defeated character's position doesn't really matter.
There should probably be some sort of stat distinction between 'geists and 'mares, not just a visual one. I think poltergeists are probably agility-based, while nightmares may be ward-based; once they take on a host, they'll mostly share the host's stats, though. Should there be other differences between the two? Maybe nightmares have some sort of illusory attack, and poltergeists can lob random items from a distance? Maybe they should also have an extra ability while possessing someone--not just the exact same core stats? Overall, I think they should remain relatively frail on their own (not so much as many first-tier minions, but weaker than most similarly-prereq'd stuff), but maybe you feel differently?